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Becoming Mexica-Arts

Mexica-Arts was created in honor of the my elders who maintained our ancestral language, arts, foods, music and spiritual traditions. As a descendant of Indigenous Mexican elders/ancestors I am pleased to share the vibrant history and treasured traditions with others.


The Mexica were Nahuatl-speaking indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico. The astounding arts and sciences of Mexico's people are reflections of a highly advanced civilization.  

I grew up in Chicago, Illinois at a time in the U.S. when there was a strong emphasis on the melting pot belief. A belief where ethnic groups were expected to relinquish their ancestors cultures and become part of a new American identity. However that belief created tension within my family. The elders insisted on maintaining traditions while the younger generations were interested in exploring, enjoying and changing their ways.. Similar tensions are still occurring today.


In Chicago there was easy access to diverse arts and culture. Later I briefly lived in San Francisco, California and Phoenix, Arizona. I also lived in N.W. Ohio for 20 years. I currently reside in Fort Wayne, the second largest city in Indiana. While experiencing and enjoying rural traditional arts I also noticed the stark limitations of diverse cultural arts in the rural Midwest. 


The arts are part of a universal language. Lack of representation for diverse people in the arts limits cultural exchanges/appreciation. The challenges to overcome appropriators and negative stereotypes of women, minorities, the disabled and people of color can be difficult. It deeply concerns me when cultural appropriation occurs, i.e., people/organizations use cultural, traditional arts, for personal gain while sidelining indigenous people from teaching/sharing our own traditions and art forms. Healthy communities are inclusive beginning at the decision making levels. The arts are a wonderful medium to build bridges of appreciation, understanding and enjoyment for past, present and future generations.


More colors in the crayon box provides more lights, darks, shades, textures and rich representations,  





  • Storytelling Performances

    • Mexica Folk Art

    • Paper Flower making

    • Pollinators​​

      • Monarchs​

      • Bees

      • Bats

      • Hummingbirds

  • Day of the Dead Altar Installations

    • Traditions​

    • Symbolism of items

  • Mexican Loteria/Bingo

  • Alebrijes/Spirit Animals

2023 Dia de Muertos/Day of Dead Ofrenda with my granddaughter who is my apprentice.

All contents of this website are © 2019 Copyright: Emily J Guerrero, unless otherwise indicated.

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